“Common Research – COVID19 Challenges in Health Protection of Refugees in Western Balkans”

Our Balkan Refugee Network members are working together on cross border research & common projects, joining their field experiences and data together in a regional and organic researching synergy. In the concrete occasion and for the first time in European and regional researching practice, BRN members undertook comparative research in North Macedonia, BiH and Serbia regarding COVID19 challenges and national responses in protection of refugees along EU-Balkans routes.

Namely, Legis from N. Macedonia and Asylum Protection Center from Serbia, together with IFS-EMMAUS from Bosnia & Herzegovina, undertook separate country researches in their own countries and to reveal health care challenges, health care systems’ responces in protection of refugees during COVID19 pandemic, in order to draw most significant conlusions and provide specific recommendations for improvements in responses to similar future unexepected and urgent circumstances and health care challenges.