“Sharing asylum and migration knowledge and experiences with peer organizations in Albania and Bosnia & Hercegovina”

Our Balkan Refugee Network members are continuosly working together on sharing of their accumulated asylum and migration knowledge and expertise to peer local grassroots within the Western Balkan region and along the ever-changing W. Balkan migration routes from Turkey to EU.

Thus, Centre for Peace Studies and ICS Trieste held training on human rights violations, refugee pushbacks and violence at the borders for local CSOs in Sarajevo on 12 December 2019, while Asylum Protection Center and Legis provided same training for local Albanian organizations in Tirana on 10 February 2020. The trainings were done in order to raise understanding of local grassroots actors regarding coming migration and asylum challenges and to support their preparednes, planning and acting in protection of refugees for the time to come. All four BRN members provided their local grassroots trainees with solutions for overcoming existing and newcoming challenges, buidling appropriate strategies and responces in phases, depending on the intenisty, severity and development of local and cross-border migration challenges.

Same trainings were supported by Civil Rights Defenders, who highly appreciated existance of Balkan Refugee Network and the work of its members in their respective countries.