Integration events in Tutin and Other Local Communities

APC realized an integration event in cooperation with local school “Rifat Burdžević Tršo”, with who we have been cooperating for a long time during the integration of refugee children in the school. With the help of local school staff, their family and friends who live in Tutin, we brought the local culture closer to the refugees by making pies and mantles. Along with lunch, the participants talked about the situation in their countries, the refugees had the opportunity to practice our language, and some even fascinated the locals with their knowledge of the language. It was especially interesting for the refugees to hear the customs related to weddings, because almost every day they have the opportunity to see the celebrations in the city at this time of year in Tutin. For a long time, the APC has been organizing such events in local communities where camps are located, with the goal of better connecting the local population and refugees. The connection is realized through the exchange of cultures, conversations about customs, and way of life in the countries. The organization of such events breaks down prejudices and stereotypes that may exist in relation to another culture.